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Monday, September 21, 2009

Eighteen Month Old New Yorker Funding Her Own Future Education

Author: Anonymous

Source: free-articles

June 16, 2004 -- In an effort to fund his childs future education, Robert Criscuolo, of Staten Island, New York took an unconventional yet innovative approach. He, Best Mutual Fund Investment,, Mutual FundBest Mutual Fund Investment, turned to the World Wide Web and set up a series of online businesses for his daughter, Sabrina Ann Criscuolo, now 18 months old.

Sabrinas website www.youngestentrepreneur.com sells a wide array of merchandise and promotes business opportunities that have been carefully selected for quality and value.

Sabrinas website offers exceptional values on products such as beautiful fresh cut flowers, childrens toys and gifts, internet based business opportunities and much more. (Even an acre of land on the Moon!)

The site is constantly updated, so please remember to check back often to see what new products have been added.

Robert calls his daughter Sabrina "The Youngest Entrepreneur in America", hence the website name "www.YoungestEntrepreneur.com".

Sabrinas father Robert commented, "In recent times, the conventional means of funding a childs future education via stocks, mutual funds, Bank CD's, have not only become risky but have also not produced the greatest returns over time." "That's why I decided to be innovative and take a different approach."

All profits from the sale of merchandise from Sabrina's website will go towards her future education.

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